When I was jacking up the left rear wheel I noticed that it moved inwards at the bottom as the weight came off it. This is not good. A good wiggle at it revealed more play than I would like, so I set to investigate.
The first thing I noticed was the play between the halfshaft and the hub. There had been slight play there for a while but it was now excessive. Then on to the bearing. Yes, it's worn too and there is the slightest of play beginning between the bearing and carrier.
Time to bite the bullet and sort things out once and for all. New hub, new shaft, new bearing and carrier, and new oil seal. Pricey but hopefully I won't have to do it again in my lifetime.
I can't really complain. I haven't needed to spend much on old Numbum these past years.
I wish I'd done this sooner though as the four day jubilee weekend means I won't get all the parts till next Wednesday. I have some new seat covers and foams (thanks to Ma & Pa in Law) for the Triumph Spitfire seats that are in the car, so I've got plenty to keep me occupied over the weekend.