Tees Valley MG Owners Club A friendly group of MG enthusiasts with a good range of social events. Jacks Cars A US site created by Jack Austin, a man with years of experience of MGs and British cars in general. Some very useful information here.
The MG Experience A lively forum with free registration. Mainly US in flavour with some input from around the world. A great friendly bunch with a wide range of technical knowledge which they willingly share in the interests of keeping MGs on the road.
Classic Car Hire While you are exploring the beauties of the area, why not do it in style with a great classic car?
Clark and Clark An American company making some useful accessories for MGs and other cars. Some neat ideas found here.
The Canadian Modern MG Rover Car Club An online club recently started by Canadian MGF & RV8 owners to share information about post 1980 MGs some of which have only recently been eligible for importation into Canada. The site is still very new but will grow as the membership increases.
The MG Car Forum A new forum (2013) covering all models of MG. Join up (free) and chat about your cars.