Oily Hand's Life with MGs |
Just a short drive in the snow. The microphone is pretty sensitive and the roaring sound is the blower fan. Maybe locating the cam just above the vent wasn't a good idea.
The MGB GT passed its MOT today with only an advisory on slight brake imbalance on the front. Once the snow goes and the temperature increases, I'll sort that out.
A cold Sunday morning saw 6 cars meet up at the car park at the top of Birk Brow for the drive to Whitby. Ours was the only MG. Shame on the rest of you! After a drive along the mostly snow free A171 we arrived in Whitby. After a brisk walk in bitterly cold winds, we took refuge in a pub for coffee. Next was the main reason for the trip. Just around the corner we were soon tucking into this. Before - After As the temperature wasn't getting any better we decided not to hang about and we headed back to the car for the return journey. Despite the weather it was a good day out in great company.
Once again, looking though old slides brings back memories. I've added some of the A35 to the Reminiscing page. You'll have to scroll down a bit to see it.
I've decide to go bumperless on the 71 GT and I ordered front & rear Sebring valences.
They arrived today. Slowly things are coming together and hopefully it will be in the body shop before the end of the month. I received an email from my MP the other day with a link to an article which suggests that the EU proposals for classic cars have been knocked back and all is well in our world again.
The article is in the Telegraph. We didn't manage the organised run but joined up with friends for lunch at the Squinting Cat, near Harrogate. There were some very cold bodies returning from the run. Whilst we were eating I was visited by one of the directors of the MG Car Club, who had seen the 1971 MGB GT in the car park and recognised it from this site. It's good to meet readers and gratifying when they enjoy reading about what we do. On a slightly sadder note, today looks like being the end of an era. Our grandchildren love travelling in the back of the GT and we love having them with us, but they are growing taller and I think this will be their last trip. As we were leaving the two brave souls in the Hupmobile were firing it up. Pam decided to do an impromptu video as we followed them down the road. |
AuthorHi, I'm Owen and I've been having fun with MGs since 1970, starting with my 1937 MGTA. Since then I've had three Y types and a couple of Z Magnettes. I now have a 1971 MGB GT along with the TA and my wife and I are still having fun Archives
September 2020