It was pretty dark in the car park so not much good for video. I did manage to get some photos but they aren't that great apart from the ones in the lights of the scrutineering area.
We set off to our allocated spot along with another marshal and set up to wait. One of the course cars arrived and we were relocated to another spot, leaving the other marshal on his own. It's a shame people can't turn up when they are supposed to.
The control we were going to was supposed to be a time control but we had no timing gear so it was redesignated as a secret or passage control which meant that we had to explain this to every competitor.
Finally settled in place it was just a question of waiting for the cars to arrive. It was much darker than I expected it to be. The glow from town lights could be seen in the sky but where we were it was pitch black, thankfully our torches were OK.
Most of the cars made it to our control and we had an interesting hour as they came through. One competitor arrived on foot from the wrong direction and asked us to direct rescue efforts to them. They had taken the wrong route and got stuck. When the recovery team arrived, we gave them the information. We hope the got out OK, although by this time their rally was over.
Eventually the closing car arrived and we were done for the night.
The tracks on the ranges are amazing. Unmetalled with steep descents and climbs tight turns and no lighting. I wish I'd taken the dash cam with me but it may not have been any good in the dark.
We stopped at Scotch Corner on the way home and I noticed just how filthy the ZR was after our time on the ranges. I thought about taking a picture then but decided to leave it till daylight. Unfortunately it rained hard and washed most of the dirt off but this picture shows some of it.