I finally got the rear hub problem sorted out. It went better than I expected and I now have no play in that hub at all. Just as well as Numbum is booked in for MOT tomorrow.
We set to to do the seats as well. The seats are early Triumph Spitfire and what a nightmare they were to do compared with the MGB GT.
Hog rings galore. A royal pain to remove and almost impossible to fit new ones with pliers, as the instructions suggest. The hog rings went in the bin and cable ties now hold the seat covers in place. Not original, but I'm sure Numbum won't mind. Both seats are covered now but only the driver's seat refitted. I asked when I booked the MOT if lack of a passenger seat would result in a fail and the answer was no, so I'll fit the passenger seat sometime during the week ready for the Beamish Run next weekend.
It looks pretty good, even if I do say so myself.