The plan was to arrive early at Beamish and hope to sneak in a start earlier than our planned time. With going a different way and two stops before we got fuel we ended up starting only about five minutes early. Some of the delay was also caused by messing with our new intercom system and the in car cam. I couldn't get the cam to work so chucked it in the bag and ran without it.
The rest of the morning was great and we had a good run with few hold ups and we soon arrived at Bainbridge for lunch.
The lunch break is a great social occasion and we chatted to many old & new friends, some of whom are readers of this website. Thanks for reading and making yourselves known. I'm sorry if I missed anybody.
I managed to get the in car cam running so there is some video of the afternoon run back to Beamish. Pam and I also managed to get some pictures of the wide selection of great motors.
Somewhere along the way, the Wolseley belonging to Beamish Museum tried to get through a too narrow gap between a wall and an oncoming car. The Wolseley suffered but thankfully there were no injuries.
As we approached Beamish, some of the early finishers were heading home but there were still plenty of cars on the showfield. We knew there were many behind us and they would be really late.
We didn't win anything in the raffle so we wandered about chatting & taking photos until the dark clouds prompted us to set off home before we got wet.