Just after we set off I noticed that the ammeter wasn't showing any charge, but we pressed on reasoning that there would be plenty of people about to push if needed. Thankfully no pushing was required and despite numerous stops the old girl never failed to start. Just shows what a good battery can do.
We arrived at the start with plenty of time for a cuppa & sarnie, some chinwag and the obligatory walk up the hill to the loo.
We were allowed to set off before our alotted time and thought we would make good time. Sadly there was much more everyday traffic than normal, also more horses and cyclists. There were also other things going on which we haven't seen before. Maybe our earlier starts missed them but there were canoeists by one river with cars on both sides of a narrow road, and a motor cycle trial also with many cars parked. These things slowed us down and it seemed like we just weren't making any headway compared to previous years.
We eventually arrived at the Bowes Museum checkpoint where the normal way onto the forecourt was not to be used because of damaged flagstones. A ramp was set up at a steeper part of the kerb. Halfway up the ramp there was a scraping sound and Numbum sounded like a tractor. Yep, the exhaust had pulled off. Time for another cuppa & sarnie while the exhaust cooled enough to refit it. It was a quick fix and we were on our way again.
On the approach to The Stang we were behind a slower car who gratiously waved us past. As we passed this is what appeared in front of us. You'll have to watch the video to see the result!
A very big thank you to George Jolley and the many many others who make this day run so smoothly.