Room emptied - check. Bill paid - check. Car loaded - check. We didn't have any more than we came up with but it seemed to take some getting in. How that happens, I don't know. A final visit to the filling station and it was time to go on the final leg of this superb tour. It was dry & bright, if a little cool. Thankfully the torrential rain of yesterday had passed and we looked forward to a good run.
The car started easily with its new battery and we rumbled off. All was well until navigational errors took us off the planned route in the Garvald area but the roads we used to get back on track were just as good as the ones on the route. Not all errors are bad.
A brief stop en route to take some pictures & video gave us the chance to stretch our legs for a while.
All was well until we were well south of Corbridge when suddenly old Numbum started to run very rough with losts of popping and banging from the exhaust. Under hard acceleration it would cough & splutter then smooth out and pull like a train. On a cruising throttle it popped and banged as it did on deceleration. I pulled up at the first safe spot I could find and opened the bonnet on the passenger side, fully expecting to find a loose plug lead. All the plug leads were fine and as I raised my head the view across the rocker cover showed the problem instantly. The dashpot & piston from the front carburetor was missing. Gone completely.
Here's the final video from the weekend. Watch carefully, you may be on it.
We thank you all very much indeed.